You don’t have to look hard to find news about the mental health crisis we’re facing. It’s easy to feel paralyzed in it, actually.
On the plus side, more people are talking about mental health services.
On the down side, the providers trying to fill that need are struggling to keep up.
There’s so much need.
So much demand.
And mental health professionals are just normal humans like the rest of us, doing what they can, even when it must feel like bailing out a boat with a thimble.
Into the breach steps Dr. Laura Spiller, our March Member Spotlight in The Hive.
Laura helps therapists learn and manage the business infrastructure of a private therapy practice. She also teaches them to scale beyond one-on-one work, so they can help more people in this hurting world.
As a community builder, Laura is creating a community to support those on the front lines of the mental health crisis.
The counselors.
The psychologists.
The therapists.
The people getting up every day with a mission to support the rest of us – because they, too, need support.
To me, this is where the rubber meets the road in the community conversation.
If our community can help Laura, her community can help more people. And they can go on to help more people.
It’s a ripple effect for good. A mission into a movement.
Community isn’t about hanging out. It’s a powerful force for good. For change. For connection in a world with a million communication channels and an epidemic of loneliness.
The world needs more Lauras. And I’m grateful to do what I can to support those we have.
Here for you,
P.S. Come join Laura and the other amazing community builders turning their missions into movements inside The Hive. You’ll find the support and resources to help your community have the impact you always knew it could have. Doors are open now. 🐝